Tyl - Naked. Album out now! Get your copy here!

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Tyl legg rocken på hylla.
Det har vore litt av ei reise.
Det er fortsatt mulig å sikre seg plata vår.
Takk for oss!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Album ready for streaming! Album klar for streaming!

Tyl debut album realeased on Spotify!!
Tyls debut album ready for streaming at Spotify.
Click on lto ink below to listen to our debut album in full length and please feel free to follow us on Spotify. Enjoy and play loud!!

Tyl sitt første album er no klar for lytting på Spotify. Klikk på linken under for å høyre plata vår i si fulle lengde. Følg oss gjerne på Spotify også. God lytting og spel høgt!!

 Tyl on Spotify. Album ready for streaming! Click here!


Friday, 5 July 2013

New price on album

New price on our first album! 100 NOK/12,51 EUR/16.40 USD/10.63 GDP

Buy our debut album "Naked" with Paypal or VISA.
Kjøp plata vår "Naked" med Paypal eller VISA.
The album is finaly ready for sale, via PayPal. You can get YOUR copy by clicking the PayPal button below and you will become the proud owner of our debut album "Naked"... Don`t have PayPal? Use VISA or another type of credit card :)

Då er plata klar for salg, i fysisk form!! Klikk kjøp nå knappen under for å bestille din kopi av plata vår via PayPal!! Har du ikkje PayPal? Bruk VISA eller eit anna kredittkort :)

Digital album

For iTunes users use this link: Tyl - Naked on iTunes

For our international friends: Play.com and Amazon.com has the album

You can also download the album from CDON.COM
